Drs. Sumadi Dwijo Saptomo

Sakiman Wirotomo, S.H.,M.M.

Intan Rahmawati, S.S., M.Pd.

Syaban Senjaya, S.Ab.

Ahmad Rahmat Fauzi, M.Par.

Musfiroh, M.Pd.

Redemptus, S.Pd.

Wisnu Aji Putro, S.ST.
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Now that CBD oil is legal in Indiana, many people are wondering what this means for the future of the state. For years, https://purekana.com/blogs/news/cbd-oil-in-indiana/ has been used to treat a variety of conditions, ranging from anxiety and depression to chronic pain and inflammation. And now that it is legal in Indiana, more people than ever before will have access to this safe and effective treatment option.
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